
Showing posts from March, 2021
                                     My Way or the Highway                                                                                                             ‘My way or the highway’ is principally an American lingo originated during 70s. The jargon, its usage and meaning off course is in use since long.   It possibly suggests a challenge like "take it or leave it". It suggests that if you are not in a position to confront the decision, you ought to accept the decision of the superior. Failing which you may suffer penalty such as being fired from the job. The more I think about the idiom, the more I get convinced that primarily it may be an offshoot of one’s attitudinal and stubborn characteristics. Who knows possibly these roots are from one’s childhood and maybe reflections of the upbringing, nurturing and rearing at home. Often pampering and spoilage of some children during childhood makes matters at times worst. I
                                                          Forgiving Not Forgotten                                                                                   From times immemorial clemency as a philosophy of improving one’s karma is generally carved deep-seated in people’s mindset. Undoubtedly forgiving and forgetting the wounds inflicted and moving from tears to healing is mentally a difficult path to tread. I bet not many of you by heart would be prepared out rightly to accept ‘forgiving and forgetting’ . People overwhelming want ‘eye for an eye’ to soothe their emotions and possibly heal their wounds. But does that actually happen. Till the time you are not able to give back, your mind constantly churns these thoughts. Most elderly lay too much emphasis on ‘forgive and forget’ and advise moving on in life. But what about your psyche, negativity that is generated when you see or hear some crime having been committed. Suppose such a
                                           Controlling Ego, The False Self                                                                                                               Photo Gerd Altmann (Pixabay) Our uniqueness and identity that we generally consider our "Self” is said to be our “EGO". It is the feeling inside us that usually makes us feel special from one and all.  It also signifies self-image and self-esteem and belongs to the devil part (imaginary) of our mindset. All human beings have it although the levels vary from individual to individual. “A study published few years back in HBR suggests that 2 out of 5 CEOs fail within their first 18 months of leading an organization”. Many of these failures in leadership positions possibly may be traced to egoistic mindset apart from other reasons. I opine that egocentric individuals are usually unaware that they are self-centered . For example, while I was writing this post few days back, my spouse Rita started l
                                    Beyond Reactions to Life Choices                                                                                Photo Pexels-rodnae-pro The power of life choice is one of the greatest benefits mankind has been bestowed with.  We rarely realize  that we make many choices every moment of the day, yet it hardly occurs what others think of our choice making decision. Deciding the most appropriate choice for any minor or major issues in our lives will always remain a major challenge. Choice is a command, a well deserved desire and more often than not juggling of mind each moment when making decisions.  There are occasions when our mindset gets worn-out, stuck up and wish if someone could decide on our behalf.  Life is full of hard choices and the more options we have, the more complicating it becomes to choose. I am reminded of famous American motivational speaker Zig Ziglar who once said, “You are free to choose, but the choices you make today will deter